Gerardo Chávez López (Trujillo, 16 November 1937) is a renowned Peruvian painter, sculptor and plastic artist. In 2006, the Gerardo Chávez Foundation was created and has contributed to developing the cultural environment of the city of Trujillo, through the Toy Museum inaugurated in 2001 and the Museum of Modern Art of Trujillo. Read the full biography
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Gerardo Chávez López (Trujillo, 16 November 1937) is a renowned Peruvian painter, sculptor and plastic artist. In 2006, the Gerardo Chávez Foundation was created and has contributed to developing the cultural environment of the city of Trujillo, through the Toy Museum inaugurated in 2001 and the Museum of Modern Art of Trujillo. It is one of the direct successors of Grupo Norte, which emerged in the city of Trujillo in the first half of the 20th century. In 2012 he was recognized as the most important active Peruvian artist and was also appointed president of the Board of Trustees for Art and Culture of Trujillo.