Fourteen architects founded Studio Grau (Roman group of architects and urban planners) in Rome in 1964. A long story begins. Read the full biography
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Fourteen architects founded Studio Grau (Roman group of architects and urban planners) in Rome in 1964. A long story begins. Projects, competitions, creations, theoretical writings, publications, exhibitions. A very extensive story, just summarized in the book-catalogue Isti mirant stella (Edizioni Kappa Roma, 1981, now re-edited in the Grau.2 series). In 1980 the I Architecture Biennial «La Presenza del Passato» in Venice recognized the Studio as one of the protagonists of the international scene, in the historical-critical framework outlined by post-modern thought.
Success finds everyone somewhat unprepared. The setting of Venice is close to Grau who sees complex, varied languages. With an evident mismatch between internal research and institutional recognition. A thousand doubts. Personal ideas on the state of affairs. Openings/closings that do not lead to a new synthesis. History, in the meantime, returns to point zero. The firm questions itself, yes, but it is still closed, self-referential. As an approximation, we can say that everything "held" until 1984. Twenty years. Which today we define here as Grau.1: Alessandro Anselmi - Paola Chiatante - Gabriella Colucci - Anna di Noto - Pierluigi Eroli - Federico Genovese - Roberto Mariotti - Massimo Martini - Giuseppe Milani - Francesco Montuori - Patrizia Nicolosi - Gianpietro Patrizi - Franco Pierluisi - Corrado Placidi - Enzo Rosato (sculptor).
Both Grau.1 appears as a solid and compact group (an assertive form that hides a latent fragility), as Grau.2 (1984-2014) is characterized as a changing and varied constellation. Opposing opinions on the very meaning of post modernity. We are in the fire of deconstructivism. Looking at Grau.1 is full of tears, in the doubt that too many signs have dissolved in the fog of the lagoon. In the epiphany of autonomous paths, in increasingly free and casual forms and times. Inside a rough profession, which certainly doesn't appreciate lessons in style.
The Studio is there and it isn't there. With a flexibility to life's circumstances that proves to be good for everyone. The private sector does its part. Nobody bothers to reckon with the passing of time. Nobody makes judgements. The personalities (and poetics) differ from each other. The rigid disciplinary boundaries of Grau.1 fall away. A more tolerant, relativistic and curious attitude develops. Ideas come to earth. In 1992 Pierluisi, a point of reference for everyone, passed away prematurely. We continue. In small groups. Alone. Whatever it is. But the connection is there. It's undeniable. Obvious. Almost unreasonable. Then Anselmi is missing and the trauma is radical. Then also Eroli, the beloved contrarian. Patrizi is far away, inside his pain. Finally, the acquisition of over 1,000 drawings by the Center Pompidou in Paris makes us reflect. Even someone who interviews us. Silent questions between us. It's best to stop. Evaluate. Measuring the sense (or not) of a Grau galaxy.2.
In 2014 (the fiftieth anniversary) everyone is again around the same table. Like architects. And the feeling is the same. If Grau.2 exists, it is not through a mechanical extension of Grau.1. No Grau can be forever! It is decided to show the paths of each one. Respecting any outcome, even silence. Looking for a "new" judgment, as it should be. So the firm is currently working on a series of personal and personalized e-books. Stories of individuals. Obsessions. Ideas. Defeats. New ways of telling. In the eternal (now very private) struggle between sign and meaning. Inside professional lives all very strange. Certainly not protected by the laurel of Venice.