Mate' Lapierre Biography
Maté Lapierre was born in 1925 in Paris. He began his artistic career in the Fine Arts, attending Dropsy's studio, where he specialized in medals, sculpture and drawing. During this period, Maté also approached the world of ceramics and decided to open his own studio.
Subsequently, he found work as a pattern maker at the renowned Schneider glassware in Epinay sur Seine. Despite developing his own independent production of unique pieces, when the glassware moved to Lorris, Maté decided to accept a new position at Jérome and Bonnefoy in La Défense. Later, he moved to Venice to work at the Venini company.
Maté Lapierre describes his artistic approach in these terms: "I decided to direct my research in a new direction. My intention was to leave aside the influence of the material on the hands of the glass craftsman... I I myself wanted to master it. I am convinced that only through a new technique could I obtain total control: the union between "hot" working and "cold" cutting, to create flat surfaces, in contrast with curved lines, in order to build balanced and rigorous volumes...".
Maté is a tireless creator and works with a variety of materials, including earth, wood and bronze, without forgetting her monotypes, drawings and collages. As a free woman, Maté Lapierre exudes ideas and vitality in each of her creations.