In 1913 he abandoned his chemistry studies to dedicate himself to an artistic career and entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, where he met Morandi and Luccini. He graduated in 1915. Read the full biography
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In 1913 he abandoned his chemistry studies to dedicate himself to an artistic career and entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, where he met Morandi and Luccini. He graduated in 1915. Discharged in 1919, he married a young Frenchwoman, Marie-Therese Le Maire, with whom he settled in Paris. Here he exhibited at the Salon of Independent Artists, the Salon d'Automne and the Salon des Tuileries, immediately receiving critical attention. In 1926 he met his friend Luccini in Paris and met other avant-garde Italian painters. In the same year he exhibited in his first exhibition at Novecento. He is part of the Groupe des Sept (Group of Seven) with Campigli, de Chirico, de Pisis, Paresce, Savinio and Severini. The 1930s were full of affirmations for him. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by the French government and returned to Rome in 1936 to devote himself to frescoes. Exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1938 and 1942, in the 1940s and 1950s, due to health problems, it was finally restored in 1958 at the Galleria Annunciata in Milan. In 1960 he settled in his home in Suna.